Kamis, 08 September 2016

The Reason I Major in Computer System


Hello.... Ledies and Gentlemen

Introduce my name is Andy Ardiansyah. You can call me Andy. I will to you about the reason why I chose computer systems Tanjungpura University Pontianak. I study here Tanjungpura University Pontianak  manjored in computer system to pass on track SNMPTN 2016. On this oceasion I will tell why I prefer to break into computer systems of the other. The flowwing are reason lentered the depertement of computer system.

  1. My frist reason is the suggestion of a teacher to break into computer system. Why my teacher colled me into the computer system because according to my depertement at the time of the SMK and my teacher are alumni of the University computer system Tanjungpura. I also took a lot of experience from him and follow in his footsteps.
  2. The second reason is because I want to get into the computer. In this modern it's been a lot of work using the computer for example : Docters, Teachers, Propessors, Engineers, Programmers, and many others. All of these proressions to case a computer. So naturally I chese the computer system.
  3. The thrid reason because according to my ideals to be a programmer. Begind I asked the computer system including the alumni of my teacher. Why did you break into computer system? He replied : if you enter a computer system you will be cassingned the prospect of a bright future. Many of my friends who was a programmer and teacher from the explanation that I was determined to follow in the footsteps of my seniors that success was a programmer, teacher and so on. 
Record for university studens next year : 

My suggestion please do some research before hand about the direction that we want. Also find out the employment prospects of the depertment, on successful alumni because what and so on. 
More importantly adjust to our talent, whelefer we and out strengths.
So excuse me about my inclusion of the computer system. More or less I apologize. That one comes from my own and that really comes from god

wassalamualikum..... wr.......wb..... and thank you.

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