Minggu, 08 Januari 2017



             Umat Islam adalah umat yang Allah beri keistimewaan atas umat lainnye. Banyak kelebihan       dan keistimewaan umat Islam yang di sebutkan di dalam al-qur'an maupun sunah Nabi.
1. Putih Bersinar
    Nabi bersabda, " sesungguhnya umatku akan dipanggil pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan ghuran     muhajjalin ( putih bersinar  pada jidat, tangan, dan kaki mereka ) karena bekas wudhu, barang siapa diantara kalian yang ingin memanjakan sinar putihnya maka lakukanlah". ( Muttafaq 'alaihi ).

2. Panjang Lehernya
    Nabi bersabda, " para muadzin adalah orang yang paling panjang lehernya nanti pada hari kiamat". ( HR. Muslim ) maksudnya adalah takkala manusia sudah berdesak-desakan dan ketika keringat-keringat manusi sudah membajiri mereka, bahkan ada yang keringatnya setinggi mulutnya. maka muadzin selamat dari semua itu karena leherna yang panjang.                                                                ( Syarh Muslim: 4/333, karya An-Nawawi)

3. Mendapatkan Cahaya, Burhan dan keselamatan
    Nabi bersabda tentang shalat, " barang siapa yang menjaganya( shalat), maka shalat itu akan menjadi cahaya , burhan ( bukti kebenaran ) dan keselamatan baginya pada hari kiamat, dan barangsiapa yang tidak menjaganya, maka tidak akan mendapatkan cahaya, burhan ( bukti kebenaran ) dan keselamatan dan dia akan dikumpulkan pada hari kiamat bersama Qarun, Haman dan Ubay bin Kholaf."( Shahihul Musnad )

4. mendapat Cahaya Sempurna
    Nabi bersabda, " Berikan kabar gembira dengan cahaya yang sempurna kepada orang yang berjalan dalam kegelapan malam menuju masjid." ( Shahih Muslim )

5. Mendapat Naungan Allah
Nabi bersabda, " ada tujuh golongan yang akan di naungi oleh allah di bawah naungannya yaitu : imam yang adil, pemuda yang tumbuh dalam ibadah kepada Allah, orang terpaut hatinya dengan masjid, dua orang yang saliing cinta karena berkumpul dan berpisah karenanya,

6. Dinaungi oleh sedekahnya
   nabi bersabda. " setiap orang berada dibawah naungan sedekahnya hingga perkara di antara manusia diputuskan . " ( Shahih al-Matjar al-rabih)

Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Documentation Tour in Sambas

          Meet again with me with the blog What makes that read happy. I'll tell you about Sambas. Sambas is a place where I was born, Sambas dubbed the porch of Mecca. If you berpergiaan do not miss to visit Sambas as many places that you can not imagine. Even in parts of the country but the natural beauty of Sambas not inferior to the natural beauty that once you visit. Here I introduce the tourist attractions in Sambas that we must visit go to Sambas.

Island Temajok

      Temajok island often referred to by the people around Sambas Kalimantan Balinya name. Because the island temajok very different terraces of homes in Kalimantan coast because of the cleanliness and beauty of the beach is maintained. If on the beaches we rarely see seaweed living in the lips while the coast if the island is maintained temajok seaweed on the shoreline. In temajok there are also many jellyfish are usually hunted temajok fishermen to sell the meat. But I do not on what the flesh. Now the access road from the town of Sambas to temajok very hard by the island temajok near the border with Malaysia. There we find it difficult to get a signal Hp because there is perdalaman area far from the city. Access roads to the ribs there should be through the trail and pass through dense forest and cross the river twice

Keraton Sambas

          Keraton Sambas now been refurbished degan repainted the walls of the palace. If you want to go to the palace Sambas I suggest you go on holidays because usually a lot of festivals and fairs in the palace and many amusement games such as skeatbort, rollerblading and BMX bikes. The layout of the palace Sambas Sambas very sting of the river that has no history of "Sambas river flooded seven days and nights"

Malaysia and Indonesia Border (Border Aruk)

         This place is very often the Sambas visit because of the proximity to Malaysia. Malaysia is a country that is one of the island with us, namely Indonesia. the distance between the border town of Sambas and distance that we can take about four hours. Now the road to the border is not like that anymore since first road to perbtasan very difficult because the roads to be passed are different now land is already built road sapa more convenient to pass.

Waterfall RIAM

          Waterfall RIAM located before the frontier border Aruk. If we visit here we touched up the hill a bit to go to the top of the waterfall. Travel here to necessitate only 5000 rupiah money can go into the waterfall area. Air teraju here very clean and the water we can drink. But we must be careful because a lot of stones that can hurt this kita.tempat recently made in place of travel for people who do not know where it is located I personally only just once go to the waterfall cascade together with my girlfriend.
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         Actually there are many tourist attractions are very interesting in Sambas. Sambas not inferior to nature tours in other cities. Perhaps because Sambas around the country happens  money articulated sights in Sambas. Maybe so documentation about the tourist attractions that you must visit if in Sambas. I assure you that you will not regret it.
And I wish to invite my friends at university, especially in the temple promontory Prodi Computer System ( SISKOM ) in order to enjoy the natural beauty of Sambas very interesting and beautiful.

Speech my about Technology Development

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

           Hello, ladies and getlemen. good morning all It is not alove My name is Andy ardiansyah. You can call Me Andy. Whom I respect Miss Dini, I respect the lecturers are present today, and my friends that I care and love. First of all, let us give thanks to God, the Almighty, who has given us the grace and his blessings until we can attend this meeting without a hitch in a good place and time. Hopefully sholawat and greetings always with our Prophet Muhammad SAW, which have guided us from darkness to light in the world and in the hereafter. Standing in front of you all, I want to present my speech with the title: "Technology Development"
Technological developments can not be denied if the advances in technology today is growing very rapidly. This can be evidenced by the many innovations that have been made in this world. From the simple to the extraordinary. Advances in technology are very important to human beings today. Because the technology is one of the supporting human progress. In many parts of society, technology has helped improve economic, food, computers, and more. It is proof that indeed the technology has become a necessity and equally in every sector of human life. Especially after the invention of computers and laptops, which are now almost all the work humans have a relationship with a computer or laptop. So it is appropriate that the computer is the most advanced and most influential discoveries in human life.

Ladies and Getlemen
Some people assume that technological advances today have a negative impact on human life itself. Like the natural damage that occurs because of forest cutting technology using heavy equipment. Conditions like these that cause people to consider advances in technology have a negative impact.
On the other hand, many people who think technology has a major role in improving the quality of human life in this world. For a technology that still must be to continue to grow. Therefore, the purpose of technology is to improve the quality of human life without destroying the natural environment around us.
Therefore, we can conclude there are some benefits that can be summed up as follows: Helping people to overcome their jobs better and more efficiently, Motivating people to keep thinking to make changes and improvements in creating new technologies, helping people get to know the history and predict phenomenon will occur in the future. As predict solar and lunar eclipses, predicting events that occurred in the solar system or also predict natural disasters.

Ladies and Getlemen
I think that all my speech. Finally, I would like to apologize if there are errors in the words of my speech.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Resume Listening Radio Streaming

here l'll write down what I heard from the recording that I heard

            I listened to about Volare Chit Chat. Volare Chit Chat is an program that help us to learn English. The program consist of 4 segments. First segment is How to Say It. In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was "Read someone like a book". It means we knows someone so well or we always know what he or she thought. This idiom has a synonym "Read someone mind".  The example of this idiom use: "John's wife, Jenny can read him like a book, she knows when something troubles him and everybody knows that without her John is lost". The second segment is about Idioms. In this segment, the idiom that I learned was "Blood, Sweat, and Tears". It means we do something with full of struggle and hard work.

        The example: "There will be much blood, sweat, and tears, before we have completed this project". In this segment, a song with idiom was played. The third segment was Bilingual. In this segment, I listened to a two language news. The news I listened was about "70 metres biscuit dunk". It is about a 24 year's old tealover named Simon who jump off a 70 metres clank while holding chocolate biscuit. When the bungee reach its full extension, he dunk the biscuit in a cup of tea. The news was interesting. And the last segment is English, please. 

            The topic in this segment was "Idol Worship". There were 2 speakers, they were Array and Odi. Array said that he personally didn't really worship an idol, but he knew that idol is phenomenal in media. Odi said that he didn't worship them but he adored them. About this topic myself, I have a similar opinion with 

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

The Reason I Chose this Food for One Last Meal on Earth

Assalamuaikum ......Wr........Wb.

             Hay my friend and the readers of my blog Meet again with me Andy ardiansyah.
Here I will tell you a little about my favorite food. If on earth there for my last meal. I will eat my favorite food is fried rice. I liked the fried rice since I was a child already likes to eat fried rice. Moreover, home-made fried rice my mother is super delicious. 

            Where the material is rice to taste, add soy sauce and eggs if necessary. When I stay home with my mother. I always eat the fried rice if you want to go to school. Do not know why my mother's fried rice made in very different with fried rice Fried rice is sold at stalls around my house. I think the fried rice was satiating than other foods. Maybe because the material is the importance of rice so very filling when eaten. Nothing can beat the taste of homemade fried rice my mother for my own. Because my mother home-made fried rice so got me hooked when to eat it. When I lecture at the moment I have never again tasted homemade fried rice my mother. If I am turning my hometown would ask my mom to make special fried rice for me. Because while in Pontianak I've tried eating a lot of fried rice but there are still many who lost by artificial my mother.
Maybe so my short story. Hopefully acceptable. More or less I apologize
Wassalamuaikum .... ..... wr wb

Jumat, 25 November 2016

A Letter to Your Younger Self and Your 10 Years Later Self

Meet again with me andy ardiansyah. Here I will convey challenged A letter to your younger self, and you are 10 years later.

If I were young 10 years and under
         If I were 10 years younger down means I are still in elementary school. If indeed it could happen again I would spend my time with stout play. Because once I rarely play outside the home because parents are prohibited. I also did not know what was the reason why I was forbidden to leave the house. Maybe my parents were afraid I was kidnapped because first it was his time to kidnap a small child to sell and beheaded. I am very happy to get young again like a child because if the little boy who thinks only to play and play whereas if we're grown now a lot of what we think for example we study in our minds only make statements and reports and tasks endlessly given lecturers and other examples again is thinking about a girlfriend. Surely if we've grown so surely also want to think our girlfriend. Thank God I have already.

If I were younger than 10 years
         If I were younger than 10 years maybe I've been in the world of work. And if I work I wish once a businessman in a company may have a dream for me but I will prove this all the teachers and lecturers who have guided me, friends who have been motivating for me and certainly to my family especially the father, mother and sister who I care about and love. Maybe if 10 years it could be accelerated after I've got work that remains I will look for my wife to be a mother to my children. If all that has been achieved I have been quiet because that is my goal from primary school to make his parents happy.

Maybe so brief I more or less I apologize
Wassalamaualaikum ........... ............... wr..............wb.

Senin, 14 November 2016

karaoke songs I like the most

Hello all
           See you again with my Andy ardiansyah. Here I'll tell you a little about myself. At this time I will tell about karaoke songs I like the most. Actually, A lot of songs I liked from Dangdut, POP, Indian, Rock, Korean songs and more. But to be honest I prefer a song that sings a duet. Band I liked was the band's first gamma 1. The song that I like is the song called affection. I really like this song because remind me with my girlfriend, who was in the village. actually my dream duet with my girlfriend while singing this song but, I am embarrassed because my voice is not that good. This song is also my inspiration for this song verse after verse like in my daily life with my girlfriend. If I sing this song I was very excited all college expenses and any personal problems disappear instantly. I never sing this song with my friends who also like the gamma band 1. It may taste different sang this duet with a friend rather than his own girlfriend. I loved this song since I first heard it straight I like this song. When I heard it I immediately download this song.

          This song is about someone men who could not keep his promise to meet with a woman that her friend because of his work. But the girl memakluminya but the girl would have to have a clear reason that the girl was not a long wait for the guy in the place of their meetings. Then the guy said he did not come because of fatigue because of his work. Because often times do not occupy promises girl became upset. The girl is so because the girl longing to be alone with the boy. The guy apologized already ignoring the girl. And the guy would dare say the girl will apply this year because the guy knows how unfortunately the girl with him.
         Maybe so short story is why I like this song. Hopefully I devote all of my professors I could read that Miss Dini and my friends.